• Give your favorite five stars.
  • Give your last choice zero or leave blank.
  • Equal scores are allowed.
  • Score other candidates as desired.
  • Votes are limited to one per IP address.
Vote on "Which voting method should American citizens be working to adopt *right now* for official government elections?"
Started: 2020-12-05 06:55:00, Ended: 2020-12-09 23:00:00
Single Transferable Vote (a.k.a., STV)
Approval Voting
STAR Voting (Score Then Automatic Runoff)
Score Voting (a.k.a. Range Voting)
Instant Pairwise Elimination
Borda Count
Mixed-Member Proportional Representation (a.k.a MMPR or MMP)
First-Past-the-Post (FPTP)
Instant Runoff Voting (a.k.a. IRV, Ranked Choice Voting)
Runoff Matrix
Ballot Record