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Vote on "OHRRPGCE "k" release codename"
kalimba - A hand-plucked musical instrument with a wooden reasonator. A westernized variant of the mbira
kali - Goddess of death and destruction in Hinduism. Often depicted with an awesome number of arms. Also a Linux distribution I think
krunkle - At least one indie band, a Boov from the cartoon "Home", and a common misspelling of Crunkle, which might also be a made up word
keraunoscopia - divination by means of thunder
katabothron - an underground channel of water
kanabo -- Japanese samurai spiked club/mace weapon that I've always thought looked kinda neat.
kiribati -- Small island nation in the Pacific. Pronounced more like "keer-ih-bass," it's actually "Gilberts" transliterated into their language.
klabautermann -- Dutch/German spirit or goblin that helps out with various things on ships, usually unseen unless the ship is doomed to sink soon
khnum -- Egyptian god associated with the source of the Nile, said to create people's bodies from clay and place them in the mother's womb.
kramer - A not even slightly obscure character from the hit show "Seinfeld". Possibly also 50% of a Dustin Hoffman film.
kilfud-yoking - a dispute around the fireside
kalki - The last Avatar, a.k.a. The magic boy who defeats Kali in Hinduism. Tenth and final avatar of Vishnu
kaleidophone - a device for visualizing sound waves with light
kitthoge - awkwardly left handed
kenya - A country in Africa. 7th largest by population, 23rd largest by area. Capital is Nairobi
kenodoxy - the study of the vainglorious
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