• You may score as many candidates as you like from 0 (no support) to 5 (max support).
  • You may give the same score to multiple candidates.
  • The two highest-scoring candidates are finalists.
  • The finalist scored higher by more voters wins.
Vote on "2020 Presidential Election - All Contenders All Parties"
Bill Weld - R
Ian Schlakman - G
Donald Trump - R
Sam Seder - L
Bernie Sanders - D
Dario Hunter - G
Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry - G
Cory Booker - D
Andrew Yang - D
Larry Hogan - R
Howie Hawkins - G
Elizabeth Warren - D
Jesse Ventura - G
Julian Castro - D
Howard Schultz - unaffiliated
Adam Kokesh - L
John Kasich - R
Jay Inslee - D
Austin Petersen - L
Tulsi Gabbard - D
Pete Buttigieg - D
Kamala Harris - D
Ajamu Baraka - G
Larry Sharpe - L
Amy Klobuchar - D
John McAfee - L
John Hickenlooper - D
Justin Amash - L
Joe Biden - D
Kirsten Gillibrand - D
Marianne Williamson - D
Beto O'Rourke - D
John Delaney - D
Vermin Supreme - L
Arvin Vohra - L
Runoff Matrix
Ballot Record